Welcome to the Annual Youth Retreat Blog

Welcome! We hope to provide periodic information on the development of our Annual Youth Retreat. We encourage you to explore this site and ask questions from the sources listed on our posts. Once again, welcome and thank you for your support!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Day 7 - Impossibilities becoming Imminently Possible - Friday August 20

This was the day where there were mixed feelings.  The expectations of returning to the daily grind and routines of life and the wanting to stay at the mountaintop reaping of the blessings of a joyous retreat.  E-mail, telephone numbers, addresses, and other information were exchanged as the campers and staff began to transition.  Campers were so appreciative of their counselors and directors because these participants really gave it their all.  The Annual Youth Retreat Planning Team is so appreciative of all the work and service provided by our directors, counselors, kitchen staff and Bible study leaders. 

Our dear sisters Jennie, Ann Renee, and Silmara prepared a Quilt of Heroes where the campers shared their impressions of the term "hero" and its significance in relation to Jesus Christ.  This quilt was presented at the last worship service on Friday evening with a charge to "Be Heroes for the Lord."

A 10-minute pictorial presentation was prepared and shown on the last evening.  We are grateful for all the contributors and Suzette who produced this CD.  If you wish to obtain a copy please e-mail us at:

In the evening we gathered in Charlotte's Room for our worship service. 
Pastor Victor shared with us three points in turning the impossible to the possible:
- Believe in God and His Son, Jesus Christ! - John 6:6
- Believe in the possibility that Jesus will work through you! - Mark 9:23 & John 14:12
- Believe in your future! - Jeremiah 29:11

To the glory of God, many lives were touched this evening as a result of all the experiences confronted during the course of the week.  Many of our youth acknowledged Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.  Many have questions about their faith, yet wish to be positive "bringers" for Christ. 

It is now up to us (the Church) to nurture and cultivate these young minds and hearts with the understanding that they have been given awesome gifts and a powerful charge!  Let's continue to create modes of opportunity for the development of our present leaders!

The 35th Anniversary of the Annual Youth Retreat will be on:
August 13-20, 2011
Mark your calendars!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Day 4 - Superhero Day - August 17

Superhero Day!

Today we woke up to bright sunshine and joyful expectations.  Each day we have a particular theme where the campers are to be creative in preparing appropriate costumes.

We also have been enjoying the culinary expertise of an amazing kitchen staff:
In an effort to enjoy the sunny day our counselors played a prank by wetting their campers!

Nunemaker (one of our cabins) continues the splash and it's not even Saturday!

We gathered in The Lodge to have a wonderful time with a theatrical/musical ensemble named:
"Music With A Message"
We celebrated with contemporary songs with this group of children and youth from The Bronx who are developing a creative form of presenting a positive message!  For more information on Music with a Message please visit: http://www.musicwam.org/
It was an amazing day for the glory of God!  Although for many of our children this is the first time they have ever experienced a fresh-air camping/retreat experience, they have been enjoying the studies, recreational and worship experiences.  This evening some of the groups are camping out in tents purchased by Accion a few years ago.  More pictures will be forthcoming!

Monday, August 16, 2010

An Overview of our Retreat Experiences

Our Annual Youth Retreat is moving forward in dynamic ways . . . committed counselors, dedicated kitchen staff, competent directors, and amazing campers are all factors to a wonderful camp/retreat experience.  Each day we will have an overview as to the events, activities, and programs experienced at the Presbyterian Center in Holmes, NY.  Review the pages on your screen to your left!  Come and share the joy!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

New Program Ideas

Exciting new program ideas are being organized for this year's retreat.  We are expecting a dynamic group of counselors who will be planning some interactive events with the campers.  The Bible Study leaders are set to go with the theme: "Be a Hero: Living Like Jesus."  Kitchen Staff will be preparing some wholesome meals and the directors are set to lead.  Your prayers will be appreciated as well welcome close to 60 campers and day care kids. 

Sunday, August 1, 2010

There is still time . . . there is still room!

The Annual Youth Retreat at the Presbyterian Center in Holmes, N.Y. has been a key source of strength and renewal for many children, youth, and adults alike!  This year our retreat will return to the format of having male and female counselor partners with appropriate age-levels groups.  According to the American Camp Association: "Summer camps for young people have been offering developmental opportunities to children and adolescents for over one hundred years. Identifying the elements of camp experiences that result in positive youth development is necessary to assure that camps continue to provide "a world of good."

A national study was undertaken by researchers associated with the American Camp Association (ACA) to measure changes in young people as a result of summer camp experiences offered for the duration of at least one week. Positive changes in youth development constructs were found (see the full report, Youth Development Outcomes of the Camp Experience at www.ACAcamps.org/research ). The purpose of this aspect of the research was to explore a logic model applied by the researchers that asserts that the goals set by camp directors and staff lead directly to positive outcomes for youth.

Our Annual Youth Retreat is a testament to the commitment of leaders such as the late Rev. Angelina Burgos, elder Luis Andrini and so many witnesses that have come before us who paved the way for such a viable ministry. 
I have been part of this ministry for the past 34 years and it has been a transformative experience for me and the ministry God has given me.  To witness the work of the Spirit through the Bible studies, worship experiences, fellowship times, and evenng hikes, has been a re-energizing venue for all that I do throughout the course of the year. 
I invite all who have participated to share some words of testimony as we moe forward in the proclamation of The Word through this fresh-air camping experience.  We need to know the amount of campers who will be attending the retreat by Sunday, August 8th.  Please call me at 609.462.1460 and/or send the applications/medical forms with registration fee to the address located in former posts.
-Rev. Victor Aloyo, Jr.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

WORSHIP EXPLOSION: In Everything Give God Praise!

The Bible is full of powerful images of water: creating, dividing, destroying, and washing. Lake Westminster has been an amazing place where one can experience the tranquility and peace of an Amazing God who creates to bless! We wish to celebrate 34 years of ministry by praising God with you at this special place. Let's give thanks for all God's blessings we have received, are receiving, and will continue to claim!

Sunday, August 15, 2010
10:00 a.m.
The Lodge
Presbyterian Center in Holmes, NY
60 Denton Lake Road
Holmes, NY

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Staff Orientation is a Key Component

The staff who will serve as counselors, study leaders, and kitchen staff will have their orientation on July 24th at the San Andres Presbyterian Church located on 351 Soundview Avenue, Bronx, NY from 12pm - 3pm and on July 31st at the Presbyterian Church of The Redeemer located on 435 Etna Street, Brooklyn, NY from 12pm - 3pm. The Retreat Planning Team is committed in providing a comprehensive overview of our Safety Plan and the Department of Health required camping guidelines. Jose R. Santos, our camp director will conduct the first gathering while Nick Aponte, our Assistant Director will organize the second gathering on July 31st.

To Be a Hero: Living Like Jesus

To "Be a Hero" for God means recognizing a need, realizing that something can be done to address that need, and taking the risk to act. Each day campers will hear a story of a biblical hero who followed God in a brave and amazing way. God's heroes act in ways big and small as they welcome, befriend, and include others, as they give, rejoice, and share the good news. Campers and staff will learn that they can live like Jesus in simple ways, with everyday things as ordinary people. Campers will leave camp ready to use their couorage and faith to "Be a Hero" for God.

"Be a Hero" is the tenth title in the New Earth: Christian Resources for the Outdoors series. This curriculum is developed by New Earth Publishers, an ecumenical publishing partnership, in cooperation with the Committee on Outdoor Ministry of the National Council of Churches of Christ.

Campers will receive daily Bible studies during the morning by qualified sisters and brothers from our churches. Our Bible Study leaders have a range of personal faith experiences that will guide their preparation in presenting these studies to our campers.

The Rev. Jose Gonzalez (Retreat Chaplain) and Rev. Victor Aloyo, Jr. will provide studies for the counselors and staff throughout the week and serve as a resource for our Bible study leaders.

2010 promises to be Amazing!

Accion Presbiteriana is gearing up for yet another year of amazing experiences at the Presbyterian Center in Holmes, NY. From Saturday August 14-21, 2010 more than fifty campers, 12 counselors, administrators, kitchen staff and day care participants will enjoy the picturesque views provided by God. This year's theme is entitled: "Be a Hero for Jesus!"

The retreat is for children and youth ages 10-17. The cost will be $185.00 where campers will experience three meals a day, receive morning Bible studies, participate in organized group activities, involve themselves in creative evening worship venues, and basically have a great time for seven days and six nights.

Campers must complete an application with attached medical forms. These applications have been mailed to our Presbyterian churches in New York and New Jersey. We need to receive these applications and completed medical forms immediately to plan the program and order the appropriate amount of food.

Applications/medical forms need to be submitted to the churches and sent to Accion Presbiteriana with a church check for the total amount of campers coming from that church. For more information please contact:
Rev. Victor Aloyo, Jr.
Retreat Administrator
Ms. Carmen Rodriguez